Rivto Autism & Asperger Diagnostic Scale RAADS-14

Question 1 / 14

It is difficult for me to understand how other people are feeling when we are talking.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

Some ordinary textures that do not bother others feel very offensive when they touch my skin.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

It is very difficult for me to work and function in groups.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

It is difficult to figure out what other people expect of me.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

I often don’t know how to act in social situations.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

I often don’t know how to act in social situations.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

When I feel overwhelmed by my senses, I have to isolate myself to shut them down.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

How to make friends and socialize is a mystery to me.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

When talking to someone, I have a hard time telling when it is my turn to talk or to listen.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

Sometimes I have to cover my ears to block out painful noises (like vacuum cleaners or people talking too much or too loudly).

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

It can be very hard to read someone’s face, hand, and body movements when we are talking.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

I focus on details rather than the overall idea.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

I take things too literally, so I often miss what people are trying to say.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

I get extremely upset when the way I like to do things is suddenly changed.

True Now & When I Was Young
True Only Now
True When I Was Young
Never True

JM Eriksson, LM Andersen, & S Bejerot. RAADS-14 Screen: validity of a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder in an adult psychiatric population. Molecular Autism, (4):49. Dec 2013

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